Monday, November 13, 2017

What’s Around The Corner?


I admit it, I'm an early adopter...

Have you ever reached a place of uncertainty in your life?  A time when you just weren’t sure what the future would hold for you?  A season of life when you were unsettled because you weren’t sure what was around the corner?

I’ve had seasons of life like that…and I love it!  In 2008, like a lot of other Americans, I was laid off from my job.  Which is sort of weird to think about since I was a staff pastor.  Normally, I think of layoffs happening at tech firms and automobile manufacturers; but they happen in churches too.  Yes, I was concerned about what it would mean for me and the 4 other people who were depending on me for their livelihoods; but mostly, I was excited about “what’s next.”  Obviously a significant change was happening; that was unavoidable.  That’s when I recognized the “change-lover” inside myself.  I couldn’t stop the uncertainty from happening, but I found out that it’s possible to flourish in the middle of it. 

To some, that sounds crazy.  “Why would anyone be excited about not knowing what’s around the corner?” you might wonder.  Well, people like me think of it a different way.  People like me believe there’s one good way to find out what is around the corner…walk around and find out.  This is the natural position that many church-planters and entrepreneurs take. 

The excitement I get when venturing into the unknown is fueled by 2 things that I believe can help anyone tackle the uncertainty of life whether you like change or not. 

1. An assumption that the next season will be a good one.  Call it faith.  Call it optimism.  Call it crazy.  Doesn’t really matter to me.  What I know, is that in every season of uncertainty God has given me everything I’ve needed, when I needed it.  40 years have gone by and here I am, still standing.  Still excited about where I am and where He’ll take me in the future.  As of today, I’ve lived 14,732 days in my life; some better than others.  On every single one of those days, God provided what I needed.  That, my friends, is a reliable pattern.  I no longer have to wonder if God’s got me covered.

2. Confidence that when I run into challenges, God’s given me what I need to face them.  Okay so venturing into the unknown doesn’t always go smoothly.  But, if God is who He says He is, and I am who He says I am; what could I realistically be afraid of?  If I make a wrong move, God makes excellent course-corrections.  Some might ask, “What if it all goes horribly wrong?  What If your plans crash and burn, and you end up back at square one?”  A: I’ll start over under the assumption that the next season will be better than the last.  I’ve learned that in every difficulty, we proceed under the influence of “fear” OR, we proceed under influence of “faith.”  I choose faith.

Friends, the days ahead are going to be even better than the ones behind for us; and when we do run into challenges God will give us what we need to face them.

 “I have told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have troubles. But be brave! I have defeated the world!”  -Jesus, recorded in John 16:33 

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